Mayan Routes MX is located in Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Due to its location and geological and chemical processes, Yucatan Peninsula is considered as the best place for cave diving in the world. Cenotes (sinkholes – karst process of melting the limestone rock), incredible formations, thousand kilometers of underwater passages, crystal clear fresh and salt water, halocline, stable but varied conditions inside the caves are just a few among the others benefits you can take out of diving here.
We specialized at cave dive guiding at all levels of advancement.
Just to mention a few of the types we perform are:
- open circuit back mount / side mount diving
- closed circuit diving (CCR, mCCR, PSCR)
- DPV and multi stage diving
- traverses, loops, basic and advance navigation
- wide, relatively easy access places to restricted side mount areas.
- (by request) technical workshops to polish, increase, improve knowledge and skill level.
For whom?
Our offer is aimed only to certified cave divers – single person or the teams. We do not operate with open water and caven diving but we can recommend reliable dive shop or individuals guides or instructors.
The plan can be prepared as our recommendation or tailor-made setup following the customer configuration, expectations and advancement. Standard plans cover from 2 to 15 days of diving. We cooperate with Protec Dive Centre in Tulum. As a standard offer we provide guiding in caves, transportation to/from the diving place, cold water for drinking. Tanks with filling and all technical equipment rental if needed. Rental and filling are paid separately. Offer not includes food, cenotes entrance fees. 1-2 dives can be done during the day depending on the difficulty level and complexity. For the persons with less experience, feeling a bit stress, visiting Yucatan for the first time, diving the caves rarely; we strongly recommend considering the first day as a “check-adaptation dive” to provide full level of safety, smoothness, relax, satisfaction and avoid misunderstanding during the next dives.
The person responsible for diving area is Marcin. Cave, wreck, mine diver with more than 19 years of experience in diving industry and 14 years of experience in active cave diving including places like Mexico, USA, France, Poland, Finland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Rep, Croatia, Bosnia. Marcin is TDI, IANTD, GUE, PSAI technical diver with multiple specialties.Operates at Yucatan temporarily since 2010 and permanently since 2018; Marcin get his experience progressively and step by step from and with the most respected divers and instructors in the community. Marcin logged more than 4000 dives include more than 500 deep trimix dives, 450+ DPV dives, 600+ multi stage dives, 1500+ cave dives, 1200+ closed circuit dives.
Please do not hesitate to contact directly for the details and prices.